Phase I

Leadership Training

To start the process, interested schools need to successfully complete Leadership Training offered in partnership with the K20 Center for Educational and Community Renewal at the University of Oklahoma.  Participants will explore the IDEALS for Student Achievement and how they relate to technology use in the classroom.

Click here to learn more and to register for the next session

Phase II

Grants to Schools

Having successfully completed Phase I, superintendents or administrators in Oklahoma public schools become eligible to apply for Phase II.  This competitive grant awards individual schools and/or district sites with up to $40,000 of education-targeted technology (granted by OETT) and $25,000 of professional development (provided by K20 Center/OK-ACTS through the OETT grant). Grant recipients are required to provide a 10% match ($4,000) that can be used for technology equipment, substitutes, or stipends for staff.  

Download the Grant Application Guidelines Document Download the Grant Budget Template Enter the Online Application System


For those applying for a 2024 grant, please make note of the following dates: